This page contains guidance for IPH insurance policyholders on how to claim on their insurance.
For In-Patient Health claims and direct payment, please contact your Medical Advisors as stated on your policy plan rules:
- All in-patient treatment must be pre-authorised, wherever possible, by your medical advisors.
- The insured or someone on his/her behalf must contact the medical advisors before admission or, in case of an emergency admission, as soon as is possible.
- This applies to emergency medical transportation as well.
Please have the following details at hand before contacting your medical advisors:
- The treating hospital, the physician, and the condition.
For Out-Patient Health claims:
- The policyholder should first pay the bills themselves, before notifying IPH’s designated claims administrators International Claims Management Services for reimbursement.
- Fully complete the authorised claim forms and return to ICMS, along with the original bills within 90 days of the first day of treatment.
- The first two pages of the form should be completed by the policyholder and the third page by the treating physician.
International Claims Management Services (ICMS)
Phone: +44 (0)20 8905 2888
For Out-Patient Health claims:
Commercial Legal Protection with DAS:
Phone: +44 (0)344 893 0859
Commercial Legal Protection with AIG:
Phone: +44 (0)1455 852 053
Property Let Legal Protection
Phone: +44 (0) 344 893 9011
Family Legal Protection
Phone: +44 (0)344 893 9011
Home Emergency
Phone: +44 (0)800 294 2855
DAS Drive Legal Protection
Phone: +44 (0)800 783 6066
Please note that this is general guidance only. For how to make a claim specific to your policy, please refer to your policy certificate, policy plan rules, or contact us